“A must see exhibition”
The exhibiton brings the Town Hall – a Grade II listed building steeped in history and closed for nearly a decade – back to life and into the hands of the local community, before work begins on its new incarnation as a luxury, boutique hotel and entertainment hub. This is a one off exhibition and an opportunity to celebrate the building and its historic grandeur before its new lease of life, and to immerse yourself in the artists’ truly exceptional creations.
"The best art fairs and events in London 2021" - Luxury London

Build it and they will come
“This is a rare opportunity to give Londoners and the wider public a last chance to visit and discover the seen and unseen parts of the historic Fulham Town Hall, combined with a wildly different free art show featuring immersive works installed into and onto the building itself. This project was concieved to connect with the local community, support the capital’s vibrant artistic community, and set an intent for the Town Hall for years to come.” – Robert Godwin, MD, Lamington Group
"A complete labyrinth of discovery" - Conrad Shawcross

The gift of space and time
Curator and participating artist Ben Moore says ” Two gifts any artist wishes for are the space in which to create, and the time in which to do it and we have been blessed with both. This incredible opportunity came round in the middle of the second lockdown when London was at its coldest and in its most apocalyptic state, and provided us with the ultimate creative challenge.
"A whole underground movement has suddenly erupted" - Country & Town House, Break Out Culture, podcast, Ed Vaizey

Uniquely universal
When you enter this building, you’re walking into a universe that’s evolved over the last half year making this a different experience to any other art fair, galler or museum. We’ve immersed ourselves in this space, forging a community and creating miracles as a result of this opporunity of being isolated. I especially want to thank James Dunlop who had the courage and vision to first approach me, Guy Ziser and Lamington Group for their belief and support and enabling this to happen, and the Town Hall itself for welcoming us with its embracing energy and spirit and, despite being shut for a decade, giving us the key to unlock this incredible adventure”
We all hope you enjoy this as much as we do.